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We need to talk about gambling

If there was ever any doubt, the recent publication of statistics by the Gambling Commission reaffirmed the extent to which gambling, in one way or...



The growth of social media poses a dilemma for security and law enforcement agencies. On the one hand, social media could provide a new form...


Ways and Means

Death comes to us all, but this truism doesn’t make it any easier to talk about. In health and social care, the understandable sensitivity around...


The Home Cure

The Coalition Government has staked a major part of its social agenda on greater integration between health and social care. Despite unprecedented budget cuts, reablement...


Irrational Optimists

Since the economic downturn, the vast majority of Britons have been facing a cost of living crisis. This report looks at how the UK’s middle...


Zoe Berman

Zoë is an architect and educator, and co-director of a London based design studio. In 2013 she founded a digital architecture zine as a platform for...