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The Good Credit Index 2020

Access to credit that is affordable, transparent and fair is a geographic issue. Differences in credit need, and in the options available on the high street,...


Civic streets

Just one week prior to the 2010 election, all three party leaders appeared at the Citizens UK convention to espouse their support for citizen action. The parties have...


Rebooting Britain

Political leaders and governments risk underestimating the disruptive impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the public’s opinions, expectations and preferences. Our research shows the disease...


The edge of violence

The path into terrorism in the name of Islam is often described as a process of radicalisation.  But to be radical is not necessarily to...


The home front

Parenting is increasingly important in public policy. A growing evidence base confirms our intuitions: parents play a key role in shaping children’s life chances. But...