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Zoe Berman

Zoë is an architect and educator, and co-director of a London based design studio. In 2013 she founded a digital architecture zine as a platform for...


City limits

Following the financial crisis and the bailing out of the banks, public opinion of those working in financial services has hit a new low. The...


The Power of Prepaid

A great untold story in public policy is the quiet proliferation of prepaid cards – a similar technology to a debit card except pre-loaded with...


Jamie Bartlett

Jamie Bartlett is one of the UK’s leading thinkers on politics and technology. He led the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos...


Demos Daily: Sobering Up

It’s official. After months without being able to go for a pint at the local with friends, the Prime Minister has announced that pubs will...


The true cost of the cap

The benefit cap statistics released last week provoked predictable reactions – finding 33,000 households were subject to the cap led the Daily Mail to label...


Creating competition

This week, the stranglehold that high street banks have over key bank services – like current accounts, small business lending, and mortgages – came back...