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The Upside to the Downsize

Lynda Blackwell of the Financial Conduct Authority, the UK’s financial markets regulator, came under fire last week for describing Britain as having a ‘real issue...


The long view

This is a critical political moment. We have weathered the most serious financial crash of the post-war era and emerged from the recession, but at...


Of mutual benefit

The British benefits system is in chaos. Incapacity benefits are a case in point: they are too expensive for the taxpayer while being too ungenerous...


Future Universities

There has been much controversy over the decision to treble tuition fees in England, with protests both in and outside parliament. Yet there is broad agreement among...


James Ball

  James Ball is a multi-award winning journalist and author, and is a weekly columnist for The New European. He has worked as the global editor of...


Statelessness isn’t a solution

With increasing frequency, the withdrawal of British citizenship is being used as a national security tool. Since 2002, 53 people have been stripped of their...


Next Generation UK

In 2016-2017 Demos worked with the British Council to produce Next Generation UK. The report is organised according to three key research themes around which...