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Resilient places

Towns, cities and landscapes are haunted by the ghosts of networks past. Disused railways, old routeways and quiet canals remain leftovers from the industry and commerce of yesteryear....


Trust in practice

Politicians of all political parties are committed to devolving power to local government. This will require improving public trust in politics and politicians. The success...


Amelia Stewart

Amelia is a former Demos employee. Before joining Demos, Amelia was Research Associate at the Adam Smith Institute, where she often wrote about feminist issues...


The Age of the Social Entrepreneur

Writing 20 years ago at Demos, Charles Leadbeater introduced to the mainstream the then-fringe idea of combining business and charitable aims to address social challenges....


Mediating Populism

A new report from Demos explores the challenges faced by traditional media organisations in responding to the new landscape of the ‘populist moment’. Through a...


Leo Ewbank

Leo is a Researcher working on the Public Services and Welfare programme. His policy interests include health and care, education and working-age welfare. Prior to...


Budget 2014: taxing debates

Conservative MP Nick de Bois is half right. He’s right that the ‘squeezed middle’ is further squeezed by income tax thresholds that have not kept...


Andrew Phillips

Andrew is a Researcher at Demos, working on a range of topics including climate change and public services. His interests include citizen engagement, democratic innovation...


Redefining Developmental Success

In 2016-17, Big Change and the think-tank Demos are working together to investigate this question and its implications for education and youth policy. The project...


Rate of Return

Today Demos launches a new paper looking at the depreciation of the pound following Brexit.  The consensus view is that this post-Brexit flash crash has...