This policy was last reviewed September 2024. Download a PDF copy of our DIEJ Policy here.
DEMOS Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Justice Policy (DIEJ)
Diversity, inclusion, equity and justice (DIEJ) are central to what Demos strives to do. We exist to put ordinary people at the heart of policy-making in order to tackle the power imbalance in the policy-making process and improve policy outcomes, strengthen citizenry and rebuild trust in politics. We exist to proactively tackle social and economic exclusion. DIEJ is core to our mission and in order to achieve our mission, we need to think about DIEJ in all of our external work, as well as the ways that we work as a team.
This policy was produced through a collaborative process involving team members, board members and the executive team, which has overall responsibility for creating the culture to deliver the policy.
The Chief Executive is accountable to the board for upholding this policy and ensuring it is delivered against.
- Diversity – A range of thoughts, beliefs, perspectives and life experiences represented in the team, wider society and all aspects of our work.
- Inclusion – Seeking out voices that are usually not heard and making sure that everyone has a sense of belonging at Demos and in its work.
- Equity – Fair treatment for all. While equality assumes that all people should be treated the same, equity takes into consideration a person’s differences and unique circumstances, adjusting treatment accordingly so that the end results are as equal as can be.
- Justice – This lives up to our charitable objectives to go above and beyond diversity, inclusion and equity, to proactively tackle social exclusion and injustice. We need to balance this with the need to be cross-party, radically inclusive of a broad range of political thought and with our mission to overcome division.
In our participation, research and policy activities, we:
- Ensure our activities are consciously designed to include the diversity of experience, background and thought that is required to achieve the most impactful outcomes
- Facilitate inclusive activities that enable diverse participants to take part in our work and feel welcomed, comfortable and supported in their work with us
- Ensure that we design activities that go beyond inclusivity to be equitable – enabling people who face particular barriers to take part in the most impactful ways
- Put participatory processes into as much of our work as is practicable and possible in order to tackle injustices and the structural failures of the current policy-making world which is in many ways exclusive and elite
In our events and impact work, we:
- Consciously design events with diverse speakers, participants and audiences
- Enable all people to take part in our events, to feel at home and ensure that people with different needs can attend our events and access our publications
- Host a wide platform to include a diversity of voices – even those we might disagree with strongly and feel uncomfortable about their views. We curate events to ensure controversial views don’t go unchallenged and that our staff are supported in an equitable and proactive manner if there are likely to be views aired that might impact on them.
In our team culture, we:
- Understand our diversity as a team, celebrate diversity and strive to become more diverse
- Create an inclusive culture where everyone feels part of the team, we have robust inclusive policies and we celebrate our differences and disagree well
- We have inclusive and equitable management processes that support people to develop in their careers.
In our recruitment processes, we:
- Have application and selection processes that encourage diverse candidates through best and consistent practices
- Ensure recruitment processes are inclusive, welcoming and creating equitable opportunities for different people to demonstrate how they could deliver in a role
- Work towards tackling the structural biases in politics and the thinktank and research sectors we work in by looking for ways to collaborate across the sector and to reach out to under-represented communities.
In all our activities, we:
- Recognise, celebrate and promote the positive contributions that are made by different people. We treat people with dignity and respect. We engage with and promote the voices of people whose voices may not otherwise be heard.
As a team, we:
- We are committed to inclusion and valuing diversity within our organisation. We expect everyone to understand and accept their personal responsibility to recognise and value differences and the unique contributions that people make to the way we conduct our work and develop our insights. We encourage people to bring their diverse perspectives and backgrounds into their work on a day-to-day basis.
Our goal is to ensure that these commitments (reinforced by our values) are embedded in our day-to-day working practices, policies and relationships with our colleagues and the partners and communities with whom we work.
We will not tolerate discrimination on any grounds, be it on those specified as protected characteristics under equality legislation: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation; or on any other distinction such as political belief, nationality, ethnic or national origin, mental or physical health status, working pattern, caring or dependency responsibilities, socio-economic background, trade union membership status.
Neither will we tolerate either direct or indirect behaviours that are intended to bully, harass, isolate or victimise for any reason at all, or for reasons connected to individual differences.
No one will receive less favourable treatment and everyone will be given the opportunity to be heard, to grow and to flourish.
Agreement to follow this policy
The DIEJ policy is fully supported by the board and senior management, who are responsible for enacting this policy, and has been informed and shaped by our team. A commitment to this policy is required by everyone who works as part of our team, including staff, contractors, trustees and advisors.