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The Top of the Ladder

The chronic undersupply of appropriate housing for older people is the UK’s next housing crisis. While all eyes are on those struggling to get on...


Something for Something

Recent years have seen a growing interest in the contributory principle in welfare. Polling has signalled a sea change in public attitudes, with many disillusioned...


On Speaking Terms

The English language is vitally important to the capabilities and integration of migrants who wish to build a successful future in the UK. However, in...


Opting Up

What happens to us if we become too unwell to work? This is a difficult question, one which few of us wish to face. But...


The Good Credit Index 2020

Access to credit that is affordable, transparent and fair is a geographic issue. Differences in credit need, and in the options available on the high street,...


Putting Customers First

Retail finance touches most of the UK population, many of whom have daily contact with it through bank transactions, direct debits and investments. Some of...