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Post Pandemic Places

The pandemic has placed ‘local’ in the spotlight. As our horizons have narrowed, we have a greater awareness, and in many cases, appreciation of our...


Culture shock

This essay is part of a joint Demos and CASE (Culture and Sport Evidence Programme) fellowship examining the evidence currently available in relation to public...


Leo Ewbank

Leo is a Researcher working on the Public Services and Welfare programme. His policy interests include health and care, education and working-age welfare. Prior to...


The World Beyond

In an election campaign unique for its distinct lack of foreign policy debate, last Friday marked a distinct shift of gear. For the most part,...


The home front

Parenting is increasingly important in public policy. A growing evidence base confirms our intuitions: parents play a key role in shaping children’s life chances. But...


Back to the future

The weekend before the spending review was announced, Demos held a Young People’s Convention on the Deficit with one hundred 16 to 18-year-olds. This was...


Into Africa – Adrien Couderc

As the UK looks to enhance its reputation as a ‘global leader in free trade’ after Brexit, the International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, has argued...