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Capturing unmet needs

Demos has a long-standing interest in the social and financial impact of disability and health conditions. People living with serious health conditions can face a...


Demos Daily: The Adaptive State

Our public services are under more strain than ever before. Our beloved NHS is working to the brink to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, with our...


Demos Daily: Duty of Care

Millions of employees were thrust into an extremely financially precarious position by the lockdown, and companies faced having to lay off much of their workforce....


Demos Daily: A Place for Pride

For years now, patriotism has been a political football: a dirty word akin to nationalism to some, and a rousing exercise in belief and identity...


Demos Daily: Squaring the Circle

The relatively new Universal Credit system is being tested to its limit as hundreds of thousands of new applicants sign up, many of whom have...


Introducing Combined Choice

Today, we’re launching a new co-design tool called Combined Choice. This is part of Demos’ work to build a different kind of democracy: an everyday...


Demos 2021: End of Year Report

For Demos, 2021 was another year of ideas, innovation and impact. From the Climate Calculator to the Place Satisfaction Index, we’ve continued on our mission...


Demos’ Character Programme

The importance of developing good moral ‘character’ has historically been considered one of the core purposes of education. Much of this attention has been driven...