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Demos Daily: The other invisible hand

Yesterday the Government announced a £750m package to support charities stay afloat during the coronavirus crisis – a move which has been welcomed as a positive step...


Demos Daily: The Learning Curve

During lockdown, many people are using this time to set themselves new goals. Whether it’s furloughed workers up-skilling to improve their employability, parents finding more for...


Demos Daily: Resilient Nation

Our national resilience is being tested on arguably the largest scale since the Second World War. There’s much to celebrate, with communities across the country...


Demos Daily: Beyond the Bubble

With talk of new antibody tests almost available to use and the search for a vaccine underway, medical research is at the fore of public conversation,...


Demos Daily: British Aisles

Food shopping has taken on a new resonance for many of us recently. From accusations of panic-buying, or booking an online delivery slot nearly a...


Bottom-up public services

Yesterday, Ed Miliband set out his party’s vision for a more responsive, more accountable state. While he acknowledged the need for further cuts, it is also highly...


Leo Ewbank

Leo is a Researcher working on the Public Services and Welfare programme. His policy interests include health and care, education and working-age welfare. Prior to...