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Pensions puzzle

The pension reforms announced by George Osborne were unquestionably the most significant aspect of the budget. After a few days, some of their implications are...


An unpalatable truth

Figures released today by the Trussell Trust show that almost 1 million food parcels – 913,138 – were handed out by its food bank network in the...


The Optimism Project

The Optimism Project is a national conversation on what’s best about Britain, what our assets and opportunities are, and where we can succeed.  At Demos,...


Global Britain vs Little England

Since the EU Referendum, Boris Johnson has ramped up the rhetoric about ‘Global Britain’, a country that is “more open, more outward-looking, more engaged with...


Why the Green Deal Failed

The Government’s decision to end funding for the Green Deal early should not come as a surprise. Primarily offering loans to customers making energy efficiency...


The generation game

Rachel Sylvester’s piece in the Times yesterday portrayed the coming election as a ‘generation game’ where Conservatives court the grey vote, while Labour targets younger people. She’s right...