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Clegg’s Eurovision

The EU isn’t perfect, said Nick Clegg at a Demos fringe event last night, and pro-Europeans shouldn’t pretend that it is. In fact, he argued,...


Jamie Susskind

Jamie Susskind is a barrister and the author of the award-winning bestseller Future Politics: Living Together in a World Transformed by Tech (Oxford University Press, 2018), which...


What is a ‘major’ party?

Televised debates for general elections are a relatively new phenomenon in the UK. The first such spectacles were held in advance of the 2010 election....


Good growth

The Prime Minister, paraphrasing Robert Kennedy in a speech last November, said that GDP ‘measures everything except that which makes life worthwhile’. Yet policy-makers and...


Society of equals

The quest for greater equality is a central mission in Labour politics, but the party needs a new egalitarian agenda to broaden and deepen its...


The Upside to the Downsize

Lynda Blackwell of the Financial Conduct Authority, the UK’s financial markets regulator, came under fire last week for describing Britain as having a ‘real issue...