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The Connecting State

by Alex Smith, Founder/CEO – The Cares Family As the general election results showed, Britain is a mixed up place. Although the poll on 7...


Demos Daily: A More United Kingdom

The current health crisis has in many ways seen Britain form a united front: working to tackle our neighbourhood struggles together, a shared appreciation for...


Demos Daily: All Together

Cultural institutions are facing an incredibly challenging and uncertain future. Theatres and music venues are unaware of when they’ll be able to raise their curtains,...


Renew Normal: The Podcast

The outbreak of Covid-19 in the UK has changed our economic, political and social landscape beyond recognition. But how should Britain build back from the...


Rethinking NIMBYism

Amber Rudd, the new Energy Secretary, has set out her plans to fulfil the Conservatives’ manifesto commitment to end subsidies for onshore wind, and to...