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Demos Daily: Broadband Britain

Today, people across the UK have been forced offline, as Virgin Media customers have been hit with their third internet outage. Reactions of horror followed...


The Opportunities of Change

The new Government has wasted little time in making it clear that welfare policy will be high on the agenda for 2015, with David Cameron’s...


Demos Daily: Community Chest

After the financial crisis in 2008, the role of banks in our economic recovery was often widely discussed, with many doubting their intentions, and people’s...


Demos Daily: Sobering Up

It’s official. After months without being able to go for a pint at the local with friends, the Prime Minister has announced that pubs will...


The Workshift Commission

Demos is delighted to announce the appointment of the entrepreneur and writer Julia Hobsbawm to lead Workshift, a new programme exploring the future of work...