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Creating competition

This week, the stranglehold that high street banks have over key bank services – like current accounts, small business lending, and mortgages – came back...


Post-Pandemic People Power

Activism has loomed large in politics in recent years. People organised to support others in their communities, movements took to the streets and online, and...


Henry Gallagher

Henry is a research intern working in the Social Policy department.  Graduating this year with a BSc in Social Policy from the University of Bristol,...


Rethinking NIMBYism

Amber Rudd, the new Energy Secretary, has set out her plans to fulfil the Conservatives’ manifesto commitment to end subsidies for onshore wind, and to...


An unpalatable truth

Figures released today by the Trussell Trust show that almost 1 million food parcels – 913,138 – were handed out by its food bank network in the...