Citizen Economy

A Citizen Economy, where people, businesses, charities and government work together to achieve good growth.

The economic divide – between people, places and institutions – has become unsustainably wide. For a nation to hold together, every place and every person needs a stake in economic growth. 

We need an economy where everyone can participate and contribute economically and socially.

This will not happen by accident. We need to embed a ‘citizen’ mindset in all the institutions in our economy, putting our shared interests at the heart of decision making. Business, the state, regulators and markets will all need to be reformed to focus beyond their self-interest and to consider the wider needs of our society and economy. This is how we build a Citizen Economy.

We’re working on how we can reform business to encourage them to be good corporate citizens. We’re looking at how to improve the support given to people so that we reduce economic inactivity and enable everyone to participate in the economy. We’re working around the country on how to achieve a fairer transition to a net zero future. We’re investigating how taxation can be reformed so that wealth creates a stronger society.

Across all our work, we are encouraging the creation of an economy where everyone contributes to a prosperous, shared future.

Contact Anna Garrod to find out more.