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State of the Art

This paper is a review of the specific social media research techniques that have emerged, which can help to maintain public safety by preventing terrorism,...


Life to the Full

This report focuses on the lived experiences of disabled children and children living with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions: two groups with especially complex health and care...


Learning by Doing

Since Nicky Morgan became Education Secretary in July 2014, character education – that which develops capabilities like resilience and empathy – has shot up the...


Service Nation 2020

The last five years has seen youth social action in the UK develop into a cohesive movement, with a common focus and ambitious aims. But...


Mind over Matter

This scoping report explores the concepts behind, evidence supporting and application of growth mindset through qualitative and quantitative research. It explains the key concepts in...


Pupil Power

Over the two academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15, Demos worked with four secondary schools across England to test the potential of ‘coproduction’ as a means...


Character Nation

The importance of developing good moral ‘character’ has historically been considered one of the core purposes of education. Much of this attention has been driven by research showing that...


Community Builders

Widespread local opposition to house building, also known as NIMBY-ism, is not inevitable. Most opposition is born out of a genuine concern for the community,...


Rising to the Top

This report reveals that British Muslims are less proportionately represented in the managerial and professional occupations than any other religious group, and are also disproportionately likely...


Community Chest

This report proposes a dramatic shake-up to the UK’s banking system – calling for the establishment of a network of local banks with a specific...