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A Nation Divided

Imagine, for a moment, the scene had the markets – and even the 10pm polls – been correct, and the United Kingdom this morning has...


Demos Daily: Born Creative

With the BBC announcing one of their largest education packages to date, well-known figures such as Danny Dyer, Sir David Attenborough and Sergio Aguero are...


The Twitter election

As the election campaigns get underway, there is a new battleground: Twitter. Tweets are the newest weapons in the political arsenal, and Demos is partnering...


The true cost of debt

£1.4 trillion. That’s the staggering figure attributed to the level of household debt in the UK. The average student now leaves university after three years...


The Tory To-Do List

If last week’s election results were a victory for small ‘c’ conservatism, so too was David Cameron’s first reshuffle of the new parliament. The immediate...


Mind the gap: 2015

Deeper analysis of last week’s 2013/14 GCSE results show the attainment gap between pupils on free school meals and their peers has widened for a...


Viral Power

A single man, alone, against a column of Chinese tanks. The Stars N’ Stripes half-raised above Iwo Jima. Phan Thj Kim Phuc running in fear...