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Global Britain vs Little England

Since the EU Referendum, Boris Johnson has ramped up the rhetoric about ‘Global Britain’, a country that is “more open, more outward-looking, more engaged with...


The return of the social

In the public outpouring of (genuine) grief upon the loss of David Bowie yesterday, you could be excused for missing an interesting intervention by another...


Rethinking NIMBYism

Amber Rudd, the new Energy Secretary, has set out her plans to fulfil the Conservatives’ manifesto commitment to end subsidies for onshore wind, and to...


The civic long tail

The social web has completely transformed civil society. With greater ease than ever before, people can voice their views, connect to others, learn to see...


Detoxifying School Accountability

This report takes aim at the target-driven accountability in the English education system: principally, the Ofsted inspection regime, tests and school league tables. For the...