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Paying the Price

Cancer is no longer as lethal as it once was. Improvements in diagnosis and treatment mean that the number of people living with or beyond...


The Health of Networks

Much of what we know about mental health comes from a clinical setting. When health commissioners, policy-makers and practitioners make decisions on the nation’s healthcare,...


All together

Organisations need to be efficient and innovative but, in today’s social and economic conditions, they also need to be able to respond creatively to external...


Demos Daily: Behind the Screen

During the current crisis, many routine medical appointments have had to be postponed or delayed, as all arms of the NHS focus on providing urgent...


Sobering Up

Britain has a complicated relationship with alcohol. Despite the tabloid hysteria, the evidence shows that overall we are drinking less than we were a decade...


Demos Daily: British Aisles

Food shopping has taken on a new resonance for many of us recently. From accusations of panic-buying, or booking an online delivery slot nearly a...