The Costs of Creation: What is a Fair and Desirable Future for Monetised Online Work and Volunteering?
There is growing awareness that the web comes at a cost, be that from the selling of our personal data, to proliferating paywalls. The wider...
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There is growing awareness that the web comes at a cost, be that from the selling of our personal data, to proliferating paywalls. The wider...
Many students are about to leave universities and colleges, and face an uncertain future. It seems likely that the current crisis will cause a slump...
When this crisis is over, we will find our economy transformed. There will be a huge task ahead to recharge it, and potentially the pressure to...
Many of the self-employed in the UK will be facing an uncertain future as the lockdown eases and the government grant that has been supporting...
Equal access to responsible and affordable credit is an important part of financial fairness. The Demos Good Credit Index (GCI) is now in its fifth...
There are now 2.5 million people living with or beyond cancer in the UK (1). By the year 2030 this figure could be as high...
As industrial action continues to dominate the national conversation, and signs of a creaking state become ever clearer, it’s no surprise that public dissatisfaction with...
This paper is a review of the specific social media research techniques that have emerged, which can help to maintain public safety by preventing terrorism,...
Astonishing new polling published by YouGov has revealed that 61 per cent of ‘Leave’ voters would be prepared to see the British economy suffer significant...
Response to the measures announced in the Chancellor’s Spring Budget to tackle economic inactivity and increase employment.