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The Upside to the Downsize

Lynda Blackwell of the Financial Conduct Authority, the UK’s financial markets regulator, came under fire last week for describing Britain as having a ‘real issue...


Active Ageing

The ‘Active Ageing’ report by Anchor Hannover – England’s largest not-for-profit provider of care and homes for over 55’s – in association with Demos, highlights...


Like, Share, Vote: A Toolkit

Work by Demos and others has shown that social media are an increasingly important venue for political activity and activism, and could be a powerful...


Tune In, Turn Out

The next election is set to be the closest and most unpredictable in living memory. The British political system is being shaken up in a...


Government as ‘shop steward’

Last week I posted the first blog in a short series on what a new Department for Economic Reform might look to do and how. Below is the next...


Good Work

Britain has 15 million people living on incomes below what they need to participate in the economic and social fabric of society. For many of...