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Sir Geoff Mulgan

Sir Geoff Mulgan CBE is Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy and Social Innovation at University College London (UCL), starting in February 2020.  Prior to...


Renew Normal: The Podcast

The outbreak of Covid-19 in the UK has changed our economic, political and social landscape beyond recognition. But how should Britain build back from the...


The return of the social

In the public outpouring of (genuine) grief upon the loss of David Bowie yesterday, you could be excused for missing an interesting intervention by another...


London’s Calling

The impact of global economic changes has been to boost the premium attached to high skills. As the UK’s most globalised city, London has been...


Demos Daily: Reinventing the Firm

After the 2008 financial crisis, many argued the existing operational formula of large firms was dated – with the ‘shareholder value’ and business structures having,...


Charlotte Campbell-Nieves

Charlotte is our Research Intern and a PhD Researcher in Economic Geography at the University of Southampton. Her PhD research looks at flows of capital...