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Unlocking the Market

This project explores the options available to encourage greater demand for and supply of retirement housing, including care villages and extra care housing. This project...


London’s Calling

The impact of global economic changes has been to boost the premium attached to high skills. As the UK’s most globalised city, London has been...


Immigration on Twitter

Over the last fifteen years, immigration has become an increasingly important political issue in the United Kingdom – with growing concern among the settled population...


A Good Retirement

Demos carried out research during the summer of 2017 to get a better sense of how the public viewed their responsibilities in later life. We...


The Power of UpRising

While the UK is one of the most diverse countries in the world, this diversity is not reflected in Britain’s offices of power. According to...


Below the Samaritans Radar

A couple of weeks back those decent people at the Samaritans got themselves into a bit of trouble. They released an app on Twitter which allowed...