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Post Pandemic Places

The pandemic has placed ‘local’ in the spotlight. As our horizons have narrowed, we have a greater awareness, and in many cases, appreciation of our...


The Anti-Social Network

On the question of multiculturalism and integration – despite some superficial differences – I think both the Labour and Conservative parties have a reasonably similar...


Online Anonymity

This is a very short discussion paper about the way in which terrorist groups, and specifically Islamic State, use modern encryption systems to evade surveillance....


Demos Daily: Dream On

It’s official: we’re losing sleep. This isn’t at all surprising.  National anxiety levels are through the roof, as each day brings new, terrifying figures and...


Demos Daily: Shopping for Good

Many people have been busy decluttering under lockdown. And with many charity shops getting ready to reopen, Oxfam have asked people to call ahead before...


Demos Daily: Under-Served

Last Friday was VE day, and we remembered those who bravely fought in Europe for our freedom. While many tributes were to those we lost,...


Hate Speech after Brexit

The Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos has been undertaking research into the impact that the European Referendum result has had on...


Demos Daily: Value Added

Throughout this crisis, companies have been under the spotlight. How they’ve supported staff, how quickly they’ve adapted to guidance, the risks they’ve taken to keep...