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Where to Next for Welfare?

Within a few minutes of Iain Duncan Smith’s resignation as Work and Pensions Secretary, the presiding general consensus seemed to be that his exit was...


The Opportunities of Change

The new Government has wasted little time in making it clear that welfare policy will be high on the agenda for 2015, with David Cameron’s...


Free Radicals

Demos is delighted to announce the launch of a new report Free Radicals, exploring what the most pressing concerns and aspirations of Britain’s self-employed workers are...


The Scale of Online Misogyny

In 2015, Yvette Cooper announced the Reclaim the Internet campaign. This was in response to the abuse, often misogynistic in tone, faced by high-profile women...


Mind the Gap

Ahead of the Chancellor’s Summer Budget, the majority of media attention has focused on where the Government’s foreshadowed £12bn in spending cuts will be found....