The Motivational State: A strengths-based approach to improving public sector productivity
A new government has come into office facing public services in dire straits and a tough financial climate. Inevitably, finding ways to boost public sector productivity has come to the fore.
This paper, authored by Alex Fox and Chris Fox, argues that traditional approaches to improving public sector productivity, such as adopting private sector practices, technology-driven reforms, and tighter management, have failed to address the complex and evolving needs of public service users. It proposes a shift towards a strengths-based, person-led model, where public services are co-produced with individuals, families, and communities.
Alex Fox OBE FRSA is a Delivery Director at IMPOWER consulting, where he leads on work to transform adult social care. Alex developed the Asset Based Area model, chaired a government review of charities and wrote A new health and care system: escaping the invisible asylum (Policy Press).
Chris Fox is Professor of Evaluation and Policy Analysis at Manchester Metropolitan University. He was Founder Director of the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit and is now Faculty Research Director and co-lead of Metropolis.
As part of Demos’ work on public service reform, we will be publishing a series of essays, provocations and ideas throughout 2024 giving a platform to other peoples’ ideas on the subject.