This report, written by Adam Coutts, Shuting Xia and Senhu Wang, is the third in a series published by Demos in partnership with Local Trust and 3ni, called Social Capital 2025. The series examines social capital and the contribution that strengthening it makes to improving economic and social outcomes, including for children, improving health and wellbeing and reducing crime and antisocial behaviour.
In this edition of the series, we examine the evidence that social capital has profound consequences for the nation’s health, from building resilience and emotional health, to preventing the decline into physical health problems. We make the case that the state should increase activities that strengthen social capital and networks to support people to live healthier lives.
Read further analysis on the value of strengthening social capital from other reports in this series:
- Social Capital 2025: What is Social Capital? explores a range of meanings the term has been given since its first use, and identifies the definition we have used to inform this series.
- Social Capital 2025: The hidden wealth of nations makes the case that strengthening social capital will ultimately fuel economic growth and community wellbeing and create a virtuous cycle.
- Social Capital 2025: A protective shield for children, families and communities examines the evidence that social capital acts as a protective shield for children, families and communities under stress.