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Squaring the Circle

This paper is the second in a series investigating how we can promote financial security and wellbeing at a time of declining living standards and...


The ‘suicide app’

This morning, the Samaritans announced SamaritansRadar, a tool that flags social media content within your network that might indicate someone is vulnerable. The tool was...


Living in the Exponential Age

This paper from Polly Mackenzie, the second in the Making Democracy Work series, looks at the vast scope of the change we are living through,...


The Warm-Up

Energy prices have skyrocketed, leaving many in fuel poverty this winter. This trend will only continue year-on-year – energy is not going to get cheaper....


Starting with the why

This morning Keir Starmer chose to frame his offer to the voters under the banners of Security, Prosperity and Respect. He called this a contract...


A Wider Lens

Until now, policy makers interested in tackling disadvantage have mainly relied on income poverty as their key measure. This approach, enshrined in the Child Poverty...


New Political Actors in Europe

Across Europe, there has been rapid growth of left-wing, anti-capitalist social and political movements that criticise the establishment and use social media to organise and...