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Taking Back Ctrl

If we learned anything from the surprise election results of 2016, it was that disaffected voters seemed keen to ‘take back control’ from elites.  But...


Tailor Made

Social care in the UK is facing a two-part revolution. First, local authority social care budgets are subject to substantial cuts, driven by cuts in...


Inside the EDL

The English Defence League (EDL) is the biggest populist street movement in a generation. Yet the make-up of the group and what its members believe...


The long view

This is a critical political moment. We have weathered the most serious financial crash of the post-war era and emerged from the recession, but at...


Populism in Europe: Hungary

Nationalist populist parties and movements are growing in support throughout Europe. These groups are known for their opposition to immigration, their ‘anti-establishment’ views and their...


Populism in Europe: Sweden

Nationalist populist parties and movements are growing in support throughout Europe. These groups are known for their opposition to immigration, their ‘anti-establishment’ views and their...


Populism in Europe: Netherlands

Nationalist populist parties and movements are growing in support throughout Europe. These groups are known for their opposition to immigration, their ‘anti-establishment’ views and their...


Talk of the Town

The Talk of the Town report was undertaken to map the fortunes of the satellite towns orbiting 21 of England’s largest cities, and to better understand their...