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Wealth of opportunity

A concern with inequality lies deep in liberal DNA. More than a century and a half ago, John Stuart Mill argued for a cap on...


An anatomy of youth

As they enter the next decade, British young people are in a precarious position — demographically, economically and politically. Stereotyped by newspapers, sensationalised by marketeers and pigeon-holed by...


The Good Web Project

The Good Web Project is a project to empower the UK and international governments to ensure the future of the internet is compatible with liberal...


Dancing in the dark

Here are three things I’ve noticed recently: 1) Barney Stringer’s fascinating blog about London passing an extraordinary milestone – the population finally caught up with its 1939...


National treasure

The Treasury is a uniquely powerful government department. In holding the state’s purse strings, it determines the fate of governments. The task of eliminating the...