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Private lives

The database society is not inherently good or bad. The best we can hope for is that it is as democratic as any of the...


Future Homes

Future Homes, a new report by Demos and AXA, finds the public is deeply concerned that homes built today are not fit for the future...


Hate Speech after Brexit

The Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos has been undertaking research into the impact that the European Referendum result has had on...


The regulation paradox

Last week, the world looked on in horror as a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, leading the people inside to have to barricade...


Demos Daily: Tantrums and Tiaras

Once this is over, it’s not immediately obvious how we’ll look back on this time. There will be grief, certainly, for those we’ve lost, and...


Common wealth

The Commonwealth Games began in Scotland this week with great fanfare, shortly after the football World Cup came to an end in Brazil. Beyond the...


Islamophobia on Twitter

New online big data research by the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos think tank has found significant spikes in the use...