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Demos Daily: A More United Kingdom

The current health crisis has in many ways seen Britain form a united front: working to tackle our neighbourhood struggles together, a shared appreciation for...


Demos Daily: A Place for Pride

For years now, patriotism has been a political football: a dirty word akin to nationalism to some, and a rousing exercise in belief and identity...


The myth of the science park economy

Successful innovation doesn’t come mainly from small businesses or universities, argue Paul Nightingale and Alex Coad. Over the last 30 years innovation and entrepreneurship have...


Demos Daily: Future Universities

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the perspective of many budding students planning on starting university in the next few years. With the majority of this...


Demos Daily: Sobering Up

It’s official. After months without being able to go for a pint at the local with friends, the Prime Minister has announced that pubs will...


Demos Daily: Behind the Screen

During the current crisis, many routine medical appointments have had to be postponed or delayed, as all arms of the NHS focus on providing urgent...


Demos Daily: The Forgotten Half

Many students are about to leave universities and colleges, and face an uncertain future. It seems likely that the current crisis will cause a slump...