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The Future of Towns

The government wants to ‘build back better’ after Covid-19. Central to these plans are a desire to ‘level up’ the country’s economy, with a particular...


Faithful providers

In the Open Public Services White Paper, the Government declared their intention to make public services more open, transparent and efficient by bringing in outside...


Demos Daily: A Place for Pride

For years now, patriotism has been a political football: a dirty word akin to nationalism to some, and a rousing exercise in belief and identity...


A Liberal Inside

As the first Coalition Government since the second world war reaches its mid-point, tensions between and within the two constituent parties continue to spill out...


The Warm-Up

Energy prices have skyrocketed, leaving many in fuel poverty this winter. This trend will only continue year-on-year – energy is not going to get cheaper....


Populism in Europe: CasaPound

Nationalist populist parties and movements are growing in support throughout Europe. These groups are known for their opposition to immigration, their ‘anti-establishment’ views and their...


Everyone’s Business

The UK’s long-term economic recovery depends on the triumph of entrepreneurship – growth will come from mainly from start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs)....


The Year in Ideas: Pre-Distribution

On any measure it has been a big political year, from David Cameron’s surprise majority to Jeremy Corbyn’s remarkable insurgency. But what were the big...