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Demos under lockdown

Squashed in the box room, trying to ignore the shouts of children outside. Huddled over a makeshift workstation in the kitchen while your partner works...


Clegg’s Eurovision

The EU isn’t perfect, said Nick Clegg at a Demos fringe event last night, and pro-Europeans shouldn’t pretend that it is. In fact, he argued,...


The LIBOR Furore

This report explores the wider lessons of the recent LIBOR rate-fixing scandal. INTRODUCING DEMOS FINANCE Ever since the financial crisis of 2008, there has been...


Islamophobia on Twitter

New online big data research by the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos think tank has found significant spikes in the use...


The Nowhere Office

By Julia Hobsbawm The first report from the Chair of the Demos Workshift Commission, Julia Hobsbawm, says that lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic should...


Post Pandemic Places

The pandemic has placed ‘local’ in the spotlight. As our horizons have narrowed, we have a greater awareness, and in many cases, appreciation of our...