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Scotland decides. What about Twitter?

At 8pm tonight head of the Better Together Campaign Alistair Darling faces SNP leader Alex Salmond in a televised debate about Scotland’s future. It’s the...


Hello, Robot

Last year, Beauty.AI held an online beauty contest, but with a twist: it was “judged by robots”. Beauty.AI was going to be scientific. Rather than...


The urgent question

Why are all women not having regular cervical screening? To the ladies in the audience (and the gents with an imagination), the answer lies in...


The Future of Towns

The government wants to ‘build back better’ after Covid-19. Central to these plans are a desire to ‘level up’ the country’s economy, with a particular...


Tilly McAuliffe

Tilly McAuliffe, Trustee, is the founder of the Think Media Group, which comprises a customer publishing agency Think Publishing, a book publishing company Think Books...