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Our priorities for the Budget

As the Government prepares for its first Budget this week, senior researcher Ben Glover sets out our priorities for the Chancellor, from supporting the vulnerable...


Good growth

The Prime Minister, paraphrasing Robert Kennedy in a speech last November, said that GDP ‘measures everything except that which makes life worthwhile’. Yet policy-makers and...


Starting with the why

This morning Keir Starmer chose to frame his offer to the voters under the banners of Security, Prosperity and Respect. He called this a contract...


Finance for Growth

There is an ongoing and heated debate in the UK about the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for economic recovery, and the willingness...


Good Growth for Cities 2018

Improving skills levels and new business formation have been the key long-term drivers of city growth since the financial crisis, according to the seventh annual Demos-PwC Good...


When the going gets tough

It is becoming clear that the run up to the general election will increasingly turn into a game of one-upmanship. With each populist pledge the...