Trustwatch verdict on the gambling scandal


On 20th June 2024, we asked our Trustwatch panel about what they think of the Conservative director of campaigning and his wife being looked into for bets on the date of the general election.

On 25th June 2024, we had further conversations with panellists about the recent story about Labour suspending a candidate under investigation by the Gambling Commission.

This article contains:

  1. Insights from 20th-23rd June 2024 WhatsApps and a list of verbatim quotes from messages
  2. Insights from 25th June 2024 panel conversations, with quotes from conversations


  1. Insights from 20th-23rd June WhatsApp insights

On 20th June 2024, we asked our Trustwatch panel about what they think of the Conservative director of campaigning and his wife being looked into for bets on the date of the general election.

Across our WhatsApps, there was high awareness of the story, with the majority of panellists respondents being aware of at least some aspect of the story.

When covering this story, we were struck by how little surprise there was among many of our Trustwatch panellists – for many, it appeared symptomatic of their view of politicians being out of touch and reinforced their low trust in politicians to represent the concerns of people like them, rather than their own self-interest. For instance, see the below WhatsApp messages shared after news that the Conservative director of campaigns and his wife, who was a candidate, were under investigation by the Gambling Commission:

  • “I’ve heard about it – and I just laughed”
  • “Yes, but it is nothing new. There’s nothing that really surprises me” 
  • “Tbh this is pretty much what I’ve come to expect from the Tories (and to a certain extent most high ranking politicians)”

However, others used more emotive language to describe the development (again, WhatsApp messages shared after the Conservative director of campaigns and his wife, who was a candidate were under investigation by the Gambling Commission):

  • “it’s typical corruption, obviously knew placing a bet was wrong but did it anyway and his only regret is getting caught”
  • I think it’s absolutely staggering that the three we know of who gambled on the election date did so and thought that it wasn’t morally, ethically and legally dubious”

Further coverage of these 20th-23rd June WhatsApp insights are detailed below.

Voted Liberal Democrats in 2019

  • Yes I follow this closely.  Hence my reply to question 1 [where they expressed low trust in politics/politicians]. Politician are and will do to all to get what they want regardless of morals.

Did not vote in 2019

  • I have vaguely picked this up from somewhere.  Tbh this is pretty much what I’ve come to expect from the Tories (and to a certain extent most high ranking politicians)

Voted SNP in 2019

  • I have followed this story. Just when you think they couldn’t possibly sink any lower…!! I sense a larger final nail being sharpened for the tory coffin.

Did not vote in 2019

  • I haven’t followed this story and wasn’t aware of it until now so can’t comment.

Voted Labour in 2019

  • Yes. I think it’s absolutely staggering that the three we know of who gambled on the election date did so and thought that it wasn’t morally, ethically and legally dubious. For me it says something about the sense of impunity and entitlement that’s grown within the Conservative Party over 14 years and the lack of intellectual talent throughout the whole organisation. Corrupt to the very end.


  • Yes I have heard about this story and think it is appalling. It is a breach of  MPs’ code of conduct bars. Creates a bigger concern in public trust in MPs

Voted Conservative in 2019

  • I’ve seen the betting story ,could be a plan to disrupt the Tories,  let’s hope   for the case of democracy it’s not true

Voted SNP in 2019

  • it’s typical corruption, obviously knew placing a bet was wrong but did it anyway and his only regret is getting caught

Did not vote in 2019

  • Yes, but it is nothing new. There’s nothing that really surprises me with the Conservative Party every day is a new low! The whole party needs looking into for their ethics!

Voted SNP in 2019

  • No, and there are definitely a lot more shady scandals going on behind the scenes within UK politics, which I believe is part of the reason why there’s no truth or transparency at all

Voted Labour in 2019

  • I have not heard this story but I think that’s very unprofessional and almost shows how they are not taking the elections seriously

Intending to vote Labour

  • I’ve heard about it – and I just laughed. The Conservative Party and their staff have 0 respect for the electorate and are just out to make money – we saw this exposed during covid and now it’s out in the open that they cannot be trusted.

Voted Labour in 2019

  • I have seen it. Doesn’t surprise me. It’s a minor issue in the grand scheme of things

Voted Conservative in 2019

  • I think that it’s disgraceful and very much is to do with trust
  • How can we be expected to trust a party when their members behave like that?

Voted Conservative in 2019

  • The betting scandal has put a final nail in the Tory campaign but 2 weeks is a long time in Politics & I await the Tory’s Lasy Hurrah, which could be a game changer!

Voted Conservative in 2019

  • Yes, I have read about this. This is another example how ungenuine people can be. Yes they are human and they make mistakes – but when you have a position such as that, I’m very sure they have rules and regulations that they have to follow. This is just another example where the parties have their own agenda planned out (and this mistake made by the guy came out at a very unfortunate time), but a perfect example how the trust in these parties and their action can tumble down.
  • For me it was just a reconfirmation of the saying “politics is a bad/dirty game”

2. Insights from 25th June 2024 panel conversations

On 25th June 2024, we had further conversations with panellists about the recent story about Labour suspending a candidate under investigation by the Gambling Commission.

The betting scandal in general has worsened already low trust, and led to incredulity that those involved thought they could get away with it

“My trust in the Conservative Party has hugely decreased now because of this betting scandal on the date of the election when obviously they had insider knowledge – how on earth did they think they could get away with that?” – Voted Conservative in 2019

“To us it seems incredible that so many people would do something so stupid and so obviously wrong, but that’s where we are with this government.” – Voted Labour in 2019

“Another way of showing the common people that there are separate rules for them (…) it’s really affecting the trust and this is just a perfect example on this topic” – Voted Conservative in 2019

“It will make people run away from them for miles and miles let alone trusting them” – Voted Conservative in 2019

“These types of events are quite eye-openers to the viewers” – Voted Conservative in 2019

But taking action hasn’t done much to increase trust either

“There’s a lot of scandals going on, whether they’re exposed or not… it’s not really decreased my trust because I didn’t really have any trust anyway” – Voted SNP in 2019

“If this was an isolated incident or set of incidents then I think it would have a bigger impact on trust, but I’m not sure there’s any trust in the government particularly or the Conservatives left to lose. It kind of feels like a dying act of a party that have an enormous sense of entitlement and feel they have impunity… It’s almost like they didn’t want to admit they’d done something wrong.” – Voted Labour in 2019

“I’ve voted Conservative all my life and this is the first election I’m not going to vote Conservative, they’ve lost my trust. If they dealt with things quickly or slowly, it doesn’t matter.” – Voted Conservative in 2019

Views differ depending on the context of the bet for those following the story closely

“With regards to the Labour guy, he has basically bet on himself to lose, which doesn’t feel quite as bad as betting on something that you know is a fact because of insider knowledge… [the Labour bet] is something stupid rather than criminal.” – Voted Labour in 2019

“I was surprised about the Labour guy, but then of course that’s not him betting as to when the election’s taking place… I think it’s a bit silly, but not necessarily a crime.” – Voted Conservative in 2019

It’s seen as broadly good that Labour responded quickly – the person should be suspended just like any other job 

“It feels better that Labour suspended the guy immediately whereas the Tories ummed and ahed for two days or three days or whatever, even after at least one of them admitted what he’d done.” – Voted Labour in 2019

“In any other profession if you’ve done something related to your work that was really unethical or potentially criminal… you’d probably be suspended while it’s being investigated. So I think it’s appropriate that should happen.” – Voted Labour in 2019

But there is also some scepticism about Labour’s motivations for responding so quickly, and what is perceived as harshly 

“I think they’re being a bit harsh with the Labour guy… they’re overreacting a bit by withdrawing him… He’s being sacrificed isn’t he?” – Voted Conservative in 2019

“It feels like a political decision. The Conservatives didn’t act so we can make a point by acting really quickly to show we’re different from them.” – Voted Labour in 2019