
The Demos team and its work features regularly in the press on the key issues of the day. Read our statements and articles by our team here.

Demos Daily: Tantrums and Tiaras

Once this is over, it’s not immediately obvious how we’ll look back on this time. There will be grief, certainly, for those we’ve lost, and gratitude to those who’ve been on the front line.  We’ll likely think of those who’ve...

Demos Daily: Family Learning

For many parents up and down the country, this is the first time they’ll be taking their children’s’ education into their own hands. It’s a difficult ask: many will be juggling their newfound responsibilities with a full workload, and the added...

Demos Daily: The Borrowers

The Government’s financial response to the current crisis is unprecedented.  Yet while many livelihoods have been protected in the short term, the long term economic impact of the crisis has yet to be seen. As is always the case, financial...

Demos Daily: Dream On

It’s official: we’re losing sleep. This isn’t at all surprising.  National anxiety levels are through the roof, as each day brings new, terrifying figures and few comforting facts.  Yet the impact of our growing sleep deficits is rarely considered in...

Demos Daily: The end of the office

With thousands of offices across the country still and silent, workers across the nation are getting used to a new homeworking normal. No one could have predicted the circumstances, nor can we say how things will feel when we’re all...