
The Demos team and its work features regularly in the press on the key issues of the day. Read our statements and articles by our team here.

Evidence-based campaigning

On a day when the Work and Pensions select committee confirms the Universal Credit IT system is becoming a white elephant and the JRF calculates how little the Bedroom Tax has saved once you account for additional costs, it’s tempting to dismiss the current...

The true cost of debt

£1.4 trillion. That’s the staggering figure attributed to the level of household debt in the UK. The average student now leaves university after three years with £20,000 worth of debt – before they have even got their foot on the...

Pensions puzzle

The pension reforms announced by George Osborne were unquestionably the most significant aspect of the budget. After a few days, some of their implications are starting to emerge. The chancellor framed the changes as a question of freedom. As he put...

Budget 2014: taxing debates

Conservative MP Nick de Bois is half right. He’s right that the ‘squeezed middle’ is further squeezed by income tax thresholds that have not kept pace with changes in wages and prices. He’s wrong – like most politicians – to...

The Twitter effect

Since the first Tweet was sent in 2006, Twitter has become the mouthpiece of almost 650 million users: a sizeable digital chorus with eyes and ears all over the world, providing a running commentary on almost any topic conceivable. These...

Should welfare be a ‘moral mission’?

I was asked today to comment on the unfolding dispute between the Archbishop of Westminster and David Cameron regarding the ‘morality’ of welfare reform. The Archbishop made the point that while the case for reforming welfare was sound, the way it...