
The Demos team and its work features regularly in the press on the key issues of the day. Read our statements and articles by our team here.

Dancing in the dark

Here are three things I’ve noticed recently: 1) Barney Stringer’s fascinating blog about London passing an extraordinary milestone – the population finally caught up with its 1939 peak population – from now on it will be an all-time high. London needs, Stringer...

What makes a ‘good job’?

What makes a job ‘good’? In the midst of a jobs-rich recovery, in a relatively flexible labour market, attention inevitably shifts to the quality of the jobs being created – both in terms of the contribution to national productivity, and...

Below the Samaritans Radar

A couple of weeks back those decent people at the Samaritans got themselves into a bit of trouble. They released an app on Twitter which allowed a user to use an algorithm to automatically scan the tweets of the people they...

The ‘suicide app’

This morning, the Samaritans announced SamaritansRadar, a tool that flags social media content within your network that might indicate someone is vulnerable. The tool was created by a digital agency – SpreadingJam – and claims to use a ‘specially designed...