
The Demos team and its work features regularly in the press on the key issues of the day. Read our statements and articles by our team here.

Viral Power

A single man, alone, against a column of Chinese tanks. The Stars N’ Stripes half-raised above Iwo Jima. Phan Thj Kim Phuc running in fear ahead of American GIs in Vietnam. Sometimes a photo captures a single moment and becomes...

Fit for Purpose

The key focus of Iain Duncan Smith’s speech yesterday addressed sickness benefits, and how Government judges if people are fit for work. There is scope for real reform here. IDS diagnosed the problem as people receiving ‘an assessment of their condition that...

Contours of a new Conservatism

With media attention so focused on the Labour leadership race, something interesting is happening to Conservative politics at the moment. I think the contours of a new Conservatism are emerging, based on two main ingredients: just deserts and compassion. The...