
The Demos team and its work features regularly in the press on the key issues of the day. Read our statements and articles by our team here.

Family Matters

Welfare reform dominated the Chancellor’s Summer Budget, and one of the most significant areas pinpointed for an overhaul is Child Tax Credit payments. As well as being frozen for four years, the Government announced changes to eligibility criteria, which will...

Contours of a new Conservatism

With media attention so focused on the Labour leadership race, something interesting is happening to Conservative politics at the moment. I think the contours of a new Conservatism are emerging, based on two main ingredients: just deserts and compassion. The...

Demos Responds to the Summer Budget

The Chancellor’s Summer Budget was billed as bold and delivered on the promise. It marks a clear break with the Coalition and New Labour before it. The Living Wage will dominate the headlines. It is designed as a companion to...

A tactical retreat?

‘The Tories will take Britain back to 1930s levels of spending’ might be Labour’s most important and effective slogan in this election. Even though they can no longer use it, it’s already had an important effect, forcing Osborne into a...

Pensions puzzle

The pension reforms announced by George Osborne were unquestionably the most significant aspect of the budget. After a few days, some of their implications are starting to emerge. The chancellor framed the changes as a question of freedom. As he put...

Budget 2014: taxing debates

Conservative MP Nick de Bois is half right. He’s right that the ‘squeezed middle’ is further squeezed by income tax thresholds that have not kept pace with changes in wages and prices. He’s wrong – like most politicians – to...