
The Demos team and its work features regularly in the press on the key issues of the day. Read our statements and articles by our team here.

Capturing unmet needs

Demos has a long-standing interest in the social and financial impact of disability and health conditions. People living with serious health conditions can face a significant financial burden, a large part of which is the extra costs resulting from looking...

Contours of a new Conservatism

With media attention so focused on the Labour leadership race, something interesting is happening to Conservative politics at the moment. I think the contours of a new Conservatism are emerging, based on two main ingredients: just deserts and compassion. The...

Squaring the Circle

There are no good elections to lose – but some are better than others to win. Yesterday demonstrated both sides of the equation. In his Mansion House speech, the Chancellor announced new fiscal rules designed to bind the hands of...