
The Demos team and its work features regularly in the press on the key issues of the day. Read our statements and articles by our team here.

Demos Daily: Pathways from Poverty

During this crisis, the Department for Work and Pensions have had to deal with a sudden and steep rise in requests for welfare payments, needing to adapt rapidly and deliver payments on a scale greater than ever before. However, when this is over...

Demos Daily: Value Added

Throughout this crisis, companies have been under the spotlight. How they’ve supported staff, how quickly they’ve adapted to guidance, the risks they’ve taken to keep their doors open: individual businesses have each had to navigate difficult decisions under intense scrutiny....

Demos Daily: The Forgotten Half

Many students are about to leave universities and colleges, and face an uncertain future. It seems likely that the current crisis will cause a slump in youth employment, with research today from The Resolution Foundation finding that youth unemployment in the...

Demos Daily: The Learning Curve

During lockdown, many people are using this time to set themselves new goals. Whether it’s furloughed workers up-skilling to improve their employability, parents finding more for their children to learn in the absence of school, or just simply a way for...