
The Demos team and its work features regularly in the press on the key issues of the day. Read our statements and articles by our team here.

Why do we still use cash?

We are using less cash each year. In 2015, cash made up only 45% of payments in the UK. First came plastic, then chip and pin, and then contactless technology, which is slowly turning our wallets, phones, rings and even...

Capturing unmet needs

Demos has a long-standing interest in the social and financial impact of disability and health conditions. People living with serious health conditions can face a significant financial burden, a large part of which is the extra costs resulting from looking...

The Year in Ideas: Pre-Distribution

On any measure it has been a big political year, from David Cameron’s surprise majority to Jeremy Corbyn’s remarkable insurgency. But what were the big ideas? Pre-distribution. Ed Miliband was mocked for using the term in 2012 but it always...

A New Vision for Welfare-to-Work

While public debate is focused on cuts to tax credits, and whether their staged introduction and move to National Living Wage will soften the blow for the working poor, a more interesting and nuanced reform is underway. In August, Ian...

The Upside to the Downsize

Lynda Blackwell of the Financial Conduct Authority, the UK’s financial markets regulator, came under fire last week for describing Britain as having a ‘real issue with the last-time buyer’. Media coverage paraphrased her comments as suggesting that older homeowners are...

Family Matters

Welfare reform dominated the Chancellor’s Summer Budget, and one of the most significant areas pinpointed for an overhaul is Child Tax Credit payments. As well as being frozen for four years, the Government announced changes to eligibility criteria, which will...