Join Demos at the Conservative Party Conference 2024


At this year’s Conservative party conference we’ll once again be holding a range of panel events with expert speakers, including politicians, businesses, civil society leaders, journalists and other experts that bring fresh ideas and perspectives.

The core of what makes a party conference special is the participation and engagement of attendees, the questions and contributions from the floor and the conversations that start in response to the discussions at events. So do make sure you come along and give your views on the big issues facing the country.

29th September, 18:00 – 19:30

The road to 2029: A conversation with Sir John Curtice
  • Sir John Curtice, Professor of Politics, Strathclyde University
  • Polly Curtis, Chief Executive, Demos (Chair)

30th September, 11:00 – 12:00

How do we safely harness the productivity potential of AI in public service reform?
  • Katie Lam MP, Member of Parliament for Weald of Kent
  • Camilla de Coverly Veale, Policy Director, Startup Coalition
  • Sarah-jane Sewell, Director, Digital Tories
  • Maria Axente, Head of AI Public Policy and Ethics, PwC
  • Dr Elizabeth Seger, Director of Digital Policy, Demos (Chair)

30th September, 15:00 – 17:00

Public services: The next frontier of English devolution?
  • George Freeman MP, Member of Parliament for Mid Norfolk
  • Baroness Finn, Former Deputy Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister
  • Iain Murray, Director of Financial Management, CIPFA
  • Polly Curtis, Chief Executive, Demos (Chair)