Demos Daily: Looking to the future


Over the past few months, we’ve been sharing highlights from Demos’ archives going all the way back to the early 1990s. They’ve addressed issues as diverse as retirement housing and online gambling to Britain’s positioning on the world stage and the role of the police force, showing the breadth of Demos’ expertise over the years. It has also given us the chance to reflect on just how many issues have been brought into sharp relief as a result of this crisis. Our family and social lives have been hugely disrupted, communities have united to help those in need, while the government has been required to play a role in our economy that it’s never had to before. 

As we move into the next phase of response to the pandemic, our focus will shift from the past to the future: to Renew Normal, our Commission looking at life after Covid-19. Over the last month we’ve had over 11,000 responses to our open survey asking people to tell us how life has changed for them over the last few months. For the rest of the year we’ll be working with the public and our expert Commissioners to work out how we can hold on to some of the positive changes, and address new challenges, as the pandemic starts to fade. We want as many people as possible, from all walks of life, to be part of the conversation. So if you want to be kept up-to-date with the Renew Normal project and join the conversation, do sign up below to receive updates and be part of the story.

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