Public services are in crisis. Citizens can’t access public services when they need to. When they do, those services are too often ineffective or unsatisfactory. Professionals – the lifeblood of public services – are quitting in droves. In response to these challenges, some argue that we need to simply ‘re-fund’ current delivery models.
We reject this analysis. We need reform, not just spending more money.
Firstly, we need a new operating model for public services which liberates professionals and communities to work together to build services that work for their local circumstances. Secondly, we need to rebuild the social, civic and cultural foundations that create the social capital and strengthen relationships which are the bedrock for our health and wellbeing. To enable both of these reforms, we need a new way of funding public services. We need to create a ‘third pillar’ of public spending which is earmarked for long term preventative investment which enables a shift away from reactive services.
True public service reform will put citizens at heart of decision making, encouraging the participation of everyone alongside the expertise of community groups, charities and the private sector. It will create a new type of state, liberated to strengthen communities and prevent problems before they happen.
Contact [email protected] to find out more.