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Demos under lockdown

Squashed in the box room, trying to ignore the shouts of children outside. Huddled over a makeshift workstation in the kitchen while your partner works...


The Clock is Ticking for Europe

Last week, Demos brought together around 30 leading thinkers on Europe’s social, economic and cultural condition in Brussels, for the second in a series of...


Demos Daily: Generation Citizen

There’s no doubt this is a frightening time for the country and the world, and many of us find our minds getting clogged up with negative...


Family Matters

Welfare reform dominated the Chancellor’s Summer Budget, and one of the most significant areas pinpointed for an overhaul is Child Tax Credit payments. As well...


Dancing in the dark

Here are three things I’ve noticed recently: 1) Barney Stringer’s fascinating blog about London passing an extraordinary milestone – the population finally caught up with its 1939...


A Place for Pride

Patriotism has become a dirty word to some and a nostalgic exercise for others. For many on the left, it is a problematic concept, seen...


Rebooting Britain

Political leaders and governments risk underestimating the disruptive impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the public’s opinions, expectations and preferences. Our research shows the disease...